NYS Bill A196/S1576 Relates to violations of safety conditions in adult care facilities

The Center for Elder Law & Justice is urging our state legislators to support A.196(Gottfried)/S.1576(Rivera). This bill provides important consumer protections to residents who live in Adult Care Facilities and deters the worst abuses in these facilities that put residents’ health and safety at risk.  We join with over 25 organizations in supporting this bill. There has been a lot of focus on nursing home reform this legislative session, and rightfully so, as there have been long-standing issues in quality of care and transparency in nursing homes. However, it is important that the quality of life and care in Adult Care Facilities is not overlooked. While many of these facilities respect residents’ rights and foster their health and safety, others have been allowed to consistently fall short. A196/S1576 is needed to improve enforcement and oversight for those facilities who continue to violate resident rights and subject residents to unsafe conditions. This bill has advanced to a third reading in both the Assembly and the Senate, which means it could be called for a vote at any time. Our state legislators need to know their work is not yet done. We urge residents in Adult Care Facilities, their families, and the community to contact your State Senator and Assemblymember to voice support for this important bill. This bill needs to be called for vote and passed prior to the end of the legislative session which is on June 10. Reach out to your legislators today using the Long Term Care Community Coalition tool , phone, or other manner. To find your State Senator: https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senatorTo find your State Assembly Member:  https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/ 


New York Needs a Fair Marketplace: Memorandum in support of A2495A/S6414


Nursing Home Staffing Bill Needs More to Protect Seniors