A legal health check-up tool for housing, consumer, financial exploitation and health care issues


The Legal Risk Detector App is a FREE program developed with Pro Bono Net that service providers can use to screen seniors for potential legal issues. Referrals are sent directly to the Center for Elder Law & Justice once the assessment is complete. The app is a web-based legal health “check-up” tool that allows medical personnel, social workers, and other allied professionals to screen older adults, including home bound people, for common legal issues, including abuse and financial exploitation.

The Risk Detector covers financial exploitation, consumer, housing and health care matters, and is designed to more comprehensively reach and serve a population that is vulnerable to various forms of elder abuse, but difficult to serve through traditional legal services. For a training video on using the Legal Risk Detector App, please visit our YouTube Page.

The Legal Risk Detector app is designed for use on tablets, laptops and mobile devices. Users can choose from "Standard" or "Express" screenings based on the time available during their home visit or other factors, and to capture additional notes about vulnerabilities, for example if the client received a verbal but not written notice of eviction, or if the social worker observed repairs needed in the household.

The Risk Detector provides the advocate with an assessment report that categorizes the client's risk as "low," "medium" and "high," identifies red flag issues, and automatically emails a report to Center for Elder Law & Justice for follow-up and appropriate action.

If you would like to learn more about how this innovative tool can help seniors in your community, please contact Erin Riker at (716) 853-3087 ext. 236/ eriker@elderjusticeny.org.

To access the Legal Risk Detector, visit https://probononet.neotalogic.com/a/riskdetectorny. Please note that this tool is for community advocates and professionals who are working with older adults. If you are an individual seeking legal assistance for yourself or a family member, please call our intake line at 716-853-3087 or request assistance from the homepage.

This Web site is funded in part through a grant (#2017-VF-GX-K135) from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web site (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).

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The Senior Financial Safety Tool is a web-based application designed to identify and flag potential risks of financial exploitation and connect you with free legal assistance and resources. Access it online at any time.

Download our training plan here.

See all of the online training videos on our YouTube Page.